An Essay from Puerto Rico
We’re in Puerto Rico, a place Barbara and I visited many years ago. Now in the evening of our lives we came one more time, taking an apartment for three weeks. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)
A Book Worth Reading
Over the years, I’ve kept a lengthy page on the wall of my study to record the steady drop of the men women and children who participate in the United Church of Canada. As most of you know, it has declined each year since the late 1960s (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)
The Strange Disgrace
There’s a book I intend to get, one with a title of real truth — The Tragedy of Stealing. The author, D. K. Olukoya -- a man quite distant and yet to be known -- made a brief comment in the inside cover. It was a comment that truly applies to the theft that shocked recent and countless customers of the Liquor Board of Ontario — LCBO. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)
Trump will never Triumph
Here and there, people who either hear me on commentaries or read my columns, must wonder why I haven’t bothered revealing the foul language common with Donald Trump, whose verbal style is often ugly and vulgar. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)
Women and Harassment
For years and years women at work have been abused sexually, shrewdly, and cunningly. Women have been harassed and humiliated. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)
What? Two Popes?
It’s now several years since the Vatican told the world, on February 28, 2013, that Pope Benedict XVI was resigning. His reason, or maybe his rationale, was failing health due to old age – he was 86. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)