Trump will never Triumph

Here and there, people who either hear me on commentaries or read my columns, must wonder why I haven’t bothered revealing the foul language common with Donald Trump, whose verbal style is often ugly and vulgar. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)

Women and Harassment

For years and years women at work have been abused sexually, shrewdly, and cunningly. Women have been harassed and humiliated. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)

What? Two Popes?

It’s now several years since the Vatican told the world, on February 28, 2013, that Pope Benedict XVI was resigning. His reason, or maybe his rationale, was failing health due to old age – he was 86. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)

The Tragedy of Fentanyl

The current terror over toxic drugs –- the mutiny of taking “fentanyl” will have killed roughly 4,000 Canadians in 2017 — is now tragically deep in history. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)

The Pope Has Enemies

It’s difficult -- indeed very difficult just before Christmas-- for me, like his own people -- to dislike Pope Francis. He has, in my view, all the right emotional expression, both physical and psychological. (click on the blog's bold title to read the whole.)